About Us


About Us: We are different

Most wine cooler comparison sites go about helping you find the best wine cooler a little backwards. They put the cart before the horse. They tell you which wine cooler they think is the best or highest rated. But, how is that determined? We are not sure.

And, what if they rated the coolers on features that do not include those that you think are important? Do they even discuss all of the features? Or do you have to dig to find an occasional mention scattered haphazardly?

We turn that around. We want you to first find the EuroCave wine cooler that has all of the features you want. This should power your choice. Horse before the cart. We feel that is a much better approach.

Plus, you may be surprised to see that we have no reviews or ratings. We are wary of opinions by so-called experts. Instead of our opinion or some unknown parties’ opinions of what might be important, you should decide. We give you the facts – specifically, the facts on each EuroCave wine cooler’s features.

No fancy tricks or marketing here. We have a simple design that allows you to quickly pare your choices down without any outside sway. Once you have narrowed it down to a few EuroCave wine coolers, then you can go and read the real, unbiased reviews from actual buyers of the machine. What could be better?

We know that this is a different way, but we think it is the best way. We hope you agree. Good luck.